By Emily Brungard
Over the last several weeks, you’ve probably seen people talking about a new social media sensation, Peach. You might be wondering what Peach is, or if you should join.
So, what is Peach?
Edelman Canada said it best:
“Created by the founder of Vine, Peach seems to be every Millennial’s dream – a hybrid of Twitter and Slack with the tagline of ‘a fun and simple way to keep up with friends and be yourself’ – who wouldn’t want to get on board with that type of message? Peach allows the user to create and send GIFS, gives power to the user with magic words and promotes doodling.”
If you want to reach a younger audience, Peach has its perks. Peach is a highly visual, playful platform–ideal for the Millennial who doesn’t want to use “old” platforms like Facebook or Twitter. So what does Peach teach PR practitioners?
People love visual content This is part of why Instagram is such a popular social media platform. On Peach, users can choose from a variety of image-based updates, many of which can be found quickly through the use of “magic words.” These magic words are easily found by typing the word into the text box for updates. From here, users can type “weather” to share the temperature accompanied by an emoji. They can type “gif” and search a library of gifs to go along with their post.

Being first is key There was a mad rush to get on Peach when it launched on Jan. 8 in order to secure usernames and to figure out how to use the platform before anyone else did. I joined Peach because one of my favorite fashion brands, Everlane, tweeted about it. I was able to secure a short username (@eb), which is usually impossible unless you join shortly after the platform launches. Being on Peach first is part of why early adopters will have more success with the social media app. It gives them more time to understand how the platform works.
Throw yourself into new things and learn as you go When I joined Peach, I knew you could post things, you could add friends and you could “cake” people. Why was I throwing cake at people? I don’t know (I still don’t), but it was what I did. Now I know that Peach’s “cake” function (along with the boop, quarantine, hiss, wave and other functions) are like Facebook’s poke button on steroids. My friend and I caked each other for an hour before exploring other parts of Peach. By playing around with different pages on the app, as well as by adding new friends, I was able to learn about the many features of Peach. If I saw someone doing something on Peach that I wanted to learn to do, I simply left them a comment. It reinforced the importance of using your network to learn new skills.
All in all, Peach is the hottest social media around right now. Only time will tell if it sticks around, but for now, I’m keen on Peach.