By Hannah Riffle
I joined PRSSA, because PR was in the name. Each member of the organization has his or her own reasons for joining. No matter your background or your aspirations, you can thrive within PRSSA. In one short year, I realized how vital PRSSA is to aspiring public relations professionals. Here is what I have found to be true:
Dive deeper than the classroom. In your classes, you will learn the definition of public relations and the strategies necessary to be savvy in the industry. Through PRSSA, you will apply those lessons and see them in action.
You will make invaluable connections. You want to intern at Zappos? A fellow member can share insider tips on the application process. You want to learn more about blogging? Guest speaker, Anne Waddington can share the latest trends. Thinking about taking a job far away from home after graduation? Past president and new Bostonian, Adriana Howell will motivate you to make the jump. Ball State PRSSA members are interning everywhere. They are at the 500 Festival, Visit Indy, the Indiana Department of Revenue, Ten Adams Marketing, Lillyand many more places, willing to help you succeed!
Likeminded peers will motivate you. Peers become best friends…and we think two PR pro best friends are a force to be reckoned with. Your peers within the chapter will hold you accountable to be an active member. The leadership team will encourage you to join a committee or apply for a leadership role. The collaboration and passion within the chapter can light a fire in your mind that pushes you to excel.
Be part of something big. PRSSA is a national association of pre-professionals who are mentored by the professionals from PRSA. This group gives you all of the tools you need to build the career you desire. You can attend the upcoming PRSSA National Conference, write for Forum, PRSSA’s national newspaper, or apply for scholarships that recognize your efforts.
PR is a large part of PRSSA, but it is not the only thing. What I did not realize when I joined was that I would develop influential networks, create opportunities out of knowledge and make best friends.